SergeantClip is a UK based company, born in Newcastle upon Tyne, England.
The idea for the SergeantClip was conceived from an age old problem that is encountered by all network engineers, and one that all businesses suffer from during the extra downtime and high cost when things are patched incorrectly and systems are down for prolonged periods. Seeing this happen time and time again meant a solution had to be found.
Our adventure then began to get this product to market, and it was not an easy path. It has taken over 2 years (up to now), including things such as patent filing, proof of concept trials, partnering with a manufacturer, manufacturing then marketing and establishing the product in the industry. On a budget this has not been easy and we are still working on the latter!
We do however whole heartedly believe in our product and know that it has a part to play in every in every data centre worldwide and a place in every network/infrastructure engineers toolkit.
We have many future ideas to grow and establish the SergeantClip as a fundemental part of cable management and something that would be used everywhere, as standard, to make lives easier for businesses and the IT teams and companies that underpin them.
We have enjoyed the journey so far, and we know the best is yet to come…
Enjoy the site, and your SergeantClips
Mark Costigan
Inventor & Managing Director of SergeantClip Limited &